Bush unveils $3.1 trillion spending plan
Here's a quick snap of Bush at the news conference where he announces his master plan.
Highlights from the article...
1-The spending proposal, which shows the government spending $3 trillion in a 12-month period for the first time in history, squeezes most of government outside of national security...
Well thank fucking jebus our national security isn't threatened, because, no matter what else happens we must be safe. Safe from them. Safe from outsiders. Safe from those who would crush our independence, crush our economy, crush the minds of our children, crush our freedoms, crush our.... wait a minute. Who are we afraid of again?
2-Bush projects that the deficits, which had been declining, will soar to near-record levels, hitting $410 billion this year and $407 billion in 2009...
Ya think??? But it will be ok... do you know why? Because Bush figured out where they print the money and he asked them to just print up some more. Daddy said it would be ok.
Plus he's been reading "How to Conquer Clutter" by Stephanie Culp and he understands about necessary cutbacks.
3-Bush, as a moneysaving measure, stopped the practice of providing 3,000 paper copies of the budget to members of Congress and the media, instead posting the entire document online at Budget.gov. Democrats joked that Bush cut back on the printed copies because he ran out of red ink.
Plus, having a web only edition allows him to make changes and updates as needed and after it is approved add in items that weren't on the internet, and claim clerical error. Whoops!
But hold on, all is not lost...
4- Bush projects that the deficit will decline rapidly starting in 2010 and will achieve a $48 billion balance in 2012.
Well, that's good enough for me. If Bush projects a balanced budget, surely it will happen. So what the hell have I been so uptight about? Bush consulted his Magic 8-Ball and said, "Will the budget start declining in 2010 and balance by 2012?" And his trusty, never-before-let-him-down Magic 8-Ball said, "It is decidedly so."
Well... there... you.... go...
My magic 8 ball says that Bush is a dumbass.
always has been always will be.
I can't wait for this douche bag to go away.
Hey t&a,
I would surely agree with you, except that the alternative is guaranteed to be as bad or worse. Not ONE candidate has a fair plan of what to do with YOUR MONEY, (i.e., Your Property).
S/He does not give a damn that it is YOUR property. All that matters is that s/he can get it from you, and use it in a way that voters will like. If s/he can 'pull it off', then s/he has political power over you and millions of others.
Imagine, what a wonderful power!
F'ing pricks... right up there with the Pope, and YES... Stalin.
S/He may not put you in a Gulag, but s/he will ROB YOU nonetheless!
Coincidentally, this week my ex's employer, Raygun, is having a fabulous bash in Florida with one of the other top defense industry providers, Lockstep-Martin. A bunch of engineers are patting themselves on the back for a job well done (you know...building shit that kills). *This* is one reason why our defense budget is completely fucking ridiculous.
Do I even need to say that a third party presidency wouldn't be coming up with a number even half that big? And of course the deficit is gonna go down...a Republican won't be in the White House for another 8 years!
$3.1 trillion, and not much of that is actually invested into your future. China (or whoever else is buying your debt) is going to own you in a few years.
Richard: I'm afraid you are right. And King Aardvark make an even better point, it's really China's money now.
That's scary-likely, T&A [bows obsequiously].
N.American manufacturing is a small fraction of what N.America needs, because so much is now done in China. China could just stop honoring contracts with N.American companies and the Depression of '29 would look like rich times. It would take a decade to recover.
Not only that, China has a major military investment in gaining Internet control --particularly wrt secret military and US Government departments.
There are only three things an American, who cares about individual rights and his own life, can do.
First, do not vote. That constitutes a bona fide rejection of all candidates. In this most awful of awful elections, a vote for even the least evil candidate, is a vote for considerable anti-human evil.
Second is to make your only charity payments (or start one) to The Ayn Rand Institute, and have it ear-marked to support their new office in Washington D.C.
The work of ARI is already starting to have an impact on businessmen, academics (19 Objectivists are now university professors), and legal disputes (e.g. the recent Eminent Domain nightmare). Thousands of high schools now include her fiction in one or more English classes. More and more newspaper articles and blog sites recognize the appropriate nature of Rand's ideas. They are quoting her, or are wording their arguments in terms that reflect her approach to moral and economic issues.
Third, make a hobby of learning (reading critically) truly relevant literature. Ideas matter. One who fails to get his ideas right, fails to live right. Modify the saying, "the best way to help the poor is to not be one of them" so that it refers to the ideas you advocate.
E.g. Bill Gates had his ideas right for business, but now he is squandering his money in an egregiously unproductive manner and publicly rejecting the very principles that made his wealth possible.
Further to my comment immediately above, I just learned of this post, on the blog of an undergrad at Florida Gulf Coast University.
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