Subject: A small request
THIS IS PRETTY NEAT. 93% won't forward
A small request.. Just one line
Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer. Amen
All you are asked to do is keep this circulating.
Even if it's only to one more person.
In memory of anyone you know who has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it.
A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle..
Please Keep This Candle Going
If God wanted cancer to be cured it would be. Prayer isn't going to change his mind. Why would it? His will be done.
"93% won't forward this". Don't I wish there were that many people who thought this was an effective means of helping.
What I wish it gave was a list of options of how a person could actually make a difference. Whether it's donations to research grants, raising awareness, etc... but passing on a forward with a 1 line prayer. Not impressed.
The billions of hours wasted every year on pointless, self-satisfying endevours like this. Without the time-stealing idiocy of religion, we'd probably have come up with a cure for all cancers, 500 years ago. We'd probably still need a few more years to work out the sprinkler/rainbow phenomenon, though!
prayer *FAIL*
(*no offense meant to your mum :)*))
Except for all those scientific advancements by Christians.
You would think with all those billions of years of evolution, we would have evolved a natural cure for cancer. Like a very handy cancer seeking cell. Maybe that cell is just waiting for another friendly mutation. Yeah that is it. You know like the time us guys mutated a handy penis, at the same time you girls evolved the ever functional vagina. Or the lucky day women evolved the milk producing glands, you know, because the babies kept dying when we fed them a dinoburger.
What a load of old rotting bollocks reg!
Badly showing your ignorance here, have you been learning ANYTHING much at all??
Jesus Reg, have you pissed away your whole life, sucking your brains out through a straw. You can't be that fucking stupid, surely. Your teasing us, aren't you?
The religious are taught rubbish, the poor things are totally deluded and therefore self-excluded from the opportunity to be properly educated.
They have never been allowed the freedom to think for themselves so their precious inquisitive human nature has been stolen from them!
Break out Reg, from what you've said, you've received a shocking education full of lies and some sort of twisted idea about mutations, filled with odd things about penis', vagina's and breasts- I think its called sexual repression mate, get a handle on it, its really bad for you...
I'm glad my mom doesn't have the internet.
Orion77- imagine what the world would have been without the century upon century of religious rule!!. There is a reason it's called the DARK AGES!!!!!!
Thump- prayer- how to sit on your arse and pretend you are helping.
Glob- any christian scientist that contributed anything to the advancement of humanity did so inSPITE of his faith. Not because of it. You have no understanding of evolution. What you said reveals the depth of your ignorance.
Thump- ;)
Orion77- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! thanks for the awesome laugh this morning. Nothing like a belly laugh to get the day started off right. Seriously had a few tears running down my face. Cheers, mate! :D
Thump- part of me wishes there was hope for Glob and Humble Humanity... sometimes I think their presence here means that there just might be. But then I get comments like Globs and he seems to revel in his ignorance. to cling to the darkness and call it light.
Poodles- *snerk* Boy do I understand. I'm glad I'm not on some of my mom's friends' mailing lists. *gag* those are some GHASTLY forwards. The stupid it burnz sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually sent off a "reply to all" about one forward. Then felt so guilty for sending off a potentially harsh reply to all over her friends that I had snopes remorse. But JEEEZZZZZ Come ON people!!!!!! Make an effort. At least check into things.
Oh right. You accept things on faith. There fore evidence is irrelevant.
*rolls eyes*
They do seem to revel in their ignorance don't they, and smugness seems to pervade their thoughts as well. Smug, ignorant and sadly lost....being lied to from an early age will do that to you :(
We had one guy at work who used to send a religious/spiritual Monday morning email. I felt like sending a reply to all telling him what I thought of his fantasies, but we are a small company and quite a few members are religious. For the sake of keeping my job, I thought better of it.
PS - one of your favorite families the Duggars are about to become grandparents!
Except for all those scientific advancements by Christians.
You would think with all those billions of years of evolution, we would have evolved a natural cure for cancer. Like a very handy cancer seeking cell. Maybe that cell is just waiting for another friendly mutation. Yeah that is it. You know like the time us guys mutated a handy penis, at the same time you girls evolved the ever functional vagina. Or the lucky day women evolved the milk producing glands, you know, because the babies kept dying when we fed them a dinoburger.Oh ahaha ha ha haa hahahaha hahahaha hahahhaha hahahhah ahhah ahhahah ahahahaha hahahahah my sides are fuckin' killing me globule please I don't think I can take anymore you are just toooooooooo funny, I mean it too. It's actually kinda nice too see your sorry ignorant arse back, bigger better and stupider than before, keep up the poor work I need something to break the monotony of work!
Hi Fiery haven't been online much lately (too busy observing the true meaning of Easter......getting drunk and taking drugs hahahahaha up your's jesus mwahahahahahahaha) but I am going to finish the next installment of the boys from the D when I get home this very morning :)
Dear God
Why did you make cancer and fuckwits like Reg.
That is all... back to smiting.
Johnny- I knew you'd get a laugh out of globs evolutionary ignorance. the first thing I wanted to write when i saw it was "And cue Johnny in 3...2...1". *snerk*
Wish I was there to booze it up with ya mate. I'd love to go out and toss back a few. In fact a repeat of my final night in Perth is JUST what the doctor ordered.
Protium- *snerk*
OzA- *groan* I heard the news about the Duggars on the radio. *vomit* Sympathies for the work situation. Had 3 christians come into the bookstore in 2 days. and was nice to them. wanted to say "Atheism, It's congategous" and wait for them to figure it out.
Because you have all observed so many examples of evoluting, I will acquiesce to you compelling claims that prayer is so ineffectual. (snerking in darkness)
Actually, most prayers are answered. But we have covered that before.
I am sure Thumbthumb and the rest thank God everyday their peepee's evolved at the same time Fiery and the rest's weewee evolved.
Yes we can learn anything much at all.
Good work Reg... absolutely wonderful, warm, intelligent, well thought out, grammatically correct, rational... I'm actually almost convinced to turn to Jesus after reading that... WOW! wonderful stuff, I feel lifted or something... WOW...! I don't know what to say...
Poor little regular reg, you're still only a kid aren't you...pee pee's and wee wee's...what a scream LOLZ:))
I'm sending you an email as a joke. Please don't hate me. It creeped me out big time. I'm not sending it to creep you out, just sympathizing!
That is all? What about correcting all grammar? What about some leaving some REAL transitional fossils? What about an actual evolving.....er....thingy?
That wood help, write?
Fuck me Reg, I have no idea what you said. Are they just random words or do they form a structure in your mind?
Lets assume evolution through natural selection is all bullshit for a second.
Does that prove the existence of a god?
Your just a bunch of red herrings and strawmen. I actually feel sorry for you, but more sorry for your children.
I was referring to your prayer.
"Dear God
Why did you make cancer and fuckwits like Reg.
That is all... back to smiting."
You don't believe in anything, why wood you waist you're precious thyme feeling sorry four me oar my children? Don't.
By the way, Your is not interchangable with you're. wink
As to you're assumption. OK, lets assume. Does it prove the existence of a god? "Prove" is not a goal of science. Science is about observation, evidence, theories, laws, prediction etc.
This will be hard to follow.
Evolution by natural selection is simply a shift in expression of existing genes. In other words, if it wasn't there then, it can't be here now.
Somehow, stuff got there. Evidence? Stuff is here now.
Something is here now. Go back, back, back, back, back. When was nothing there? Evidence? I am waiting.
Stuff is here. Has it always been there? Evidence? I'm waiting.
So, to sum it up. The fact that there is stuff here now, is evidence that there is stuff here now.
Do you have evidence (or proof since you prefer that) that stuff has always been there? (because if it wasn't put there, it always was there.)
Nice proof that god doesn't exist:
Something is here now
.if it wasn't put there, it always was there.)
When was nothing there? Evidence? I am waiting.
youzza is apparently not reading.
evidence, evidence, or are you dense?
Stuff is hear. It was
1. all ways here
B. put here
Evidence for 1. everywhere, all the time, stuff comes from stuff, life comes from life.
Evi dense for B. ??????
Well there was that one time that a twinky appeared under uzza's car seat. Good thing it created itself, out of nothing, and included all those preservatives, uzza hungry, uzza need proof.
If your evidense in hiding under a log somewhere, or maybe it is floating around in the sky (aka sky evidense), prove it (haha).
You don't have to prove a negative, neither do I.
Rambling reg said:
Stuff is hear. It was
1. all ways here
B. put here
Evidence for 1. everywhere, all the time, stuff comes from stuff, life comes from life.
Evi dense for B. ??????
Plenty of evidence on our side to explain things reg....if you bothered to actually get out from under your rock and look!
Absolutely NO EVIDENCE on your side reg!
Lets hear more of your thoughts about stuff.....
Oh I cant wait to hear more of your pearls of wisdum!
Hey where was my notification email of the wisdum of Reg??
Anyhoo.. Reg said...
You don't believe in anything, (strawman) why wood (timber?) you waist (abdomen?) you're (whoops) precious thyme (herb?) feeling sorry four (how many?) me oar (rowing?) my children? Don't.
If you're teaching them to write I am even more concerned now :)
Seriously though Reg, are you OK. You're making even less sense than normal and you seem more disjointed than normal. Feeling a bit stressed are you? Maybe your medication needs changing. Go and get some real help mate and stop wasting your time bowing to some imaginery sky jerkoff!
your absolutely right.
Jeepers, I went away for a couple of days, and missed all this hilarity.
@Reg from Prots:
"You're making even less sense than normal and you seem more disjointed than normal."
You're right Prots, his comments are way worse than I remember!
He has raised the Origin of Life thing again, as if we never dealt with it.
He is, again, arguing that Darwinian Evolution has never been seen to make new species.
He has, again, raised the canard that there are too many gaps in the geological record... that canard has long been refuted, Reg.
Perhaps he was banned when I posted about the speciation of HIV...
Reg there used to be one type of HIV and now there are three... each so different there is no way we could now see them as sufficiently related to be considered the same species. Other known organism that have mutated under the detached eye of science include, cold viruses, many anti-biotic resistant bacteria and fruit flies (I am sure there are more, I am working from memory). Each new species is altered by one or more mutations to their basic DNA that makes them reproductively incompatible with
1) their ancestors and
2) with other descendants of their ancestors.
Reg, that means they are different species. They represent mutations that produced a new and viable organism, along the lines of the parent organisms but NOT the same. Of course, there were also offspring with mutations that were unworkable, so the organism could produce no viable young before it died.
The process has been shown to occur in a multitude of ways with fruit flies, and is very well documented. Some of the mutations, such as shriveled wings, would not have survived in the wild but did in the Lab. I do not know if the shriveled wing variant was a species or not... it would take some research to find out what mutations had resulted in reproductive isolation from the parent lineage.
I have an idea, Reg — read a Good Book, instead o' that dang bahble-thingy.
Nice canard on your part as well. Viruses fit only the loosest definition of life. But then loose definitions are you're best friend.
As far as you antibiotic resistant bacteria. Show me an ancestor who was not resistant and I might be impressed. Additionally, I would love to see a fruit fly give rise to a veggie fly. That would impress.
Of course, bacteria and fruit flies only reproduce every, what, 20 minutes to a few days? Is that really long enough to evolve? I thought it took billions of years? LOL
Oh come on Reg.
Viruses may be loosely living entities, but they are DNA/RNA based life forms. We distinguish Smallpox, Cowpox, Chickenpox, various influenza and cold viruses, HIV of course, rabies, measles, and on and on. We know that HIV, flu and cold viruses mutate into different forms, especially when they cross a species barrier —such as from apes to humans or from birds to humans, and so on.
"Show me an ancestor who [sic] was not resistant and I might be impressed."
Reg, where do think the idea of anti-biotic resistance came from?? First there were the ones that certain antibiotics could readily destroy, and then some survivors started to appear that were unaffected by the antibiotic, which required a different antibiotic to be destroyed.
This is all scientific fact Reg, there is zero doubt whatsoever.
The same is true of Evolution, it entails a well proven and valid natural process. Your observation about the rapid reproduction rates is an important point. The shorter the generation time, or the more numerous the organisms' offspring, the greater the chance of some offspring possessing mutations. It is for this reason that there is far greater species variation among the more rapidly reproducing groups of organisms.
I am now convinced that Reg is just pulling our legs. There is no way he could be that stupid. I think he is just being a "devil's advocate" and is really a closet atheist who likes to debate (albeit badly) with people.
Either that or he is related to Dani.
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